Carbon Exchange

Enabling distributed energy sharing, combining distributed and intelligent contract system functions to establish distributed energy transactions, data management, information security and other scenarios.

What does carbon neutrality have to do with Torah?

Enabling distributed energy sharing, combining distributed and intelligent contract system functions to establish distributed energy transactions, data management, information security and other scenarios

Why does Torah implement
an encrypted carbon neutral route?

At the beginning of the design, Torah hoped to record and trace carbon consumption, so as to improve the efficiency and application value of storing and disseminating data, and to provide a new solution to meet the energy structure and energy management of the new era.

Torah Global Ecological Strategic Goal

orah actively promotes the high-quality development of the blockchain ecology, and builds the global economic, environmental and social benefits brought about by the modern information energy system.

Demonstrate Torah's Social Responsibility

Driven by the strategy of global economic development, the rapid economic development continuously puts forward new demands on energy requirements, and energy reform is imminent; Torah further accelerates energy reform, optimizes the industrial structure and energy structure (POD Storage), and helps the global economy and society. The development of green and environmental protection.

Become a pioneer in carbon neutral projects

Torah adheres to the concept of green development, empowers smart low-carbon energy development in the digital age, promotes global energy conservation and emission reduction, and becomes a pioneer in carbon neutral projects

Two charts comparing map load time for GL JS v1 and v2.